Now that winter seems to be firmly upon us, we wanted to take the opportunity to go over some of the things that come up more often during this season.
Any changes to the schedule must be made with admin staff (not with your provider) either by phone/voicemail or email.
By phone: 603-343-2166 option #1
By email: admin@alliancementalhealth.org
Flu and cold season is here. If you or your family are sick, even if it's just a cold, please change your appointment to online. Anyone coming into the office with obvious symptoms of illness will be asked to wear a mask. If those symptoms are severe, you may be asked to leave the office.
If you need to cancel an appointment, please let us know 1 business day before your appointment, or within 12 hours in cases of severe weather.
We do charge a fee for last minute cancellations or reschedules for any reason without adequate notice. You can change an existing appointment to online up to 30 minutes before the scheduled start time.
If your appointment is online, please make sure that at the time of your visit:
You will be located in the state of NH (or Maine for James or Adrienne) and that you know the street address
your device has working microphone/camera and that you have adequate internet
your location is secure and private
If you are in a vehicle that it is parked and will be stationary for the duration of the appointment
If your provider finds that any of the above are not the case, they will end the visit immediately and it will be considered a Missed Appointment
If you haven't done an online appointment with us before and would like to set up a "test" meeting with Robin just to see how it feels and make sure you know where all the buttons are, we are happy to do that. Typically those tests take 10-15 minutes.
Have a happy and safe Winter Season!