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Discussion and Support Groups
We have not set our fall schedule yet but if you're interested please let us know so we can add you to the notification list!
Groups will be scheduled and run when we have enough interest in a particular topic. At that time we'll reach out by email to everyone who has expressed interest to give them the opportunity to sign up.
Alliance Mental Health hosts skills and support groups on Saturdays with frequency based on interest in the particular topic. Cost is $30 per seat.
Parenting Skills and Support Group: Focusing on presenting information on a variety of parenting topics and skills, followed by a period of discussion and mutual support for parents.
Topics will include Parenting Styles, Child Development, Attachment and Anxiety, Discipline and Behavior Plans, Predictable Problems, Teenagers and Adolescence, Siblings and Family Dynamics, Family Culture and Values, and Common Mental Health Difficulties.
Relationship Communication Skills Development Group: Each session will include a presentation on communication skills, skills practice, and processing relationship dynamics followed by a period of discussion and mutual support for attendees.
Mindfulness and Stress Management Group: Each session will include a presentation on mindfulness and relaxation skills followed by a period of discussion and mutual support for attendees.
Navigating Insurance: Explanation of common terms used by insurance plans including often misunderstood terminology followed by discussion and optional one on one time looking at the details of your specific plan with our in house claims processor.
Groups are not intended to be a substitute for family or individual therapy. They are meant for education and support or augmentation of existing therapeutic plan.
We will be capping the attendance on these events so if you'd like to attend please make sure to sign up. Conversely, if we don't have enough people signed up by the Monday before the event, it will be rescheduled.
Primary Presenters:
James Marston, LCMHC has been working with kids and families for over fifteen years. He was the Mental Health Consultant for Strafford County Headstart for 8 years, and taught the state-required Child Impact Seminar at Seacoast Mental Health.
Linda Handley, LCMHC has been working with families and couples at AMH since 2022. She has been running groups in various settings since 2020.
Robin Cavalry is our office manager. She has been processing all of the claims for AMH and helping clients navigate their insurance plans since 2015.
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